be Aged
Video, Live video, Objects, Puppets & Music / non verbal / 25 mins
Creator:SHIH Pei-yu 、OU Carrie
Music: YU Huan-Fu
2022 Close to You Festival
Reserve the Area – A. Qingguang Area
Oct.15 sat.11:00.15:00.19:00
Oct.16 sun. 11:00.15:00
►Shih Pei-Yu, Carrie Ou, Yu Huan-Fu
►Video & Object ►non verbal
►HOWSHOW Space(No. 36, Ln. 84, Sec. 3, Xinsheng N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City)
Liberating the sense of body intimacy through visual perception, observing the body to re-understand and rediscover yourself.
A big difference lies in the appearance between a younger body and a middle-aged body that has been in use for many years. How do you describe being middle-aged? The answer is complex. While it may not be 100% pessimistic, it could be a chance to regain the body intimacy after a thoughtful reflection on age.
Throughout the history of human beings, the young bodies are often praised in classical Western arts. What stories can a body tell if we get rid of the old concept?
Shih Pei-Yu
From 2000 to 2004, Shih had been working as a puppet designer and collaborating with many Taiwanese theatres. In 2004, she founded Flying Group Theatre which specializes in using light and shadow in its productions. With space, objects and puppets as its main medium, the Theatre aims to introduce objects/puppets into various fields of performing arts.
Carrie Ou
Majored in fine arts in university when he started to create video works. Since mid-1990, he has been devoted to numerous projects including video art, documentary and cross-genre theatre.He recently participated in dance, modern puppet theatre, Taiwanese glove puppetry with various roles such as visual artist and video creator. He has also been invited to international transdisciplinary art projects.
Yu Huan-Fu
Yu is an experienced theatre writer, director and music designer with a MA degree in Sociology from Soochow University. His work Tiantai Frog was premiered in 1998. Yu has been working with Sun-Shier Dance Theatre since 2000 and was invited to Korea for crossover performances in 2010. In 2014, he collaborated with Chang Hsiu-Ping on the choreography for Ethics. His directorial and stage design work The Prince from Golden Bough Theatre was nominated by Taishin Arts Award in the same year. PAR Magazine describes his music as “Always involves an unique ambience that brings the dancing piece to another level.